Electronic Toll Collection Cover

Electronic Toll Collection

Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) is now a necessity and a daily part of many commuters’ lives.

The Electronic Identification of vehicle and automatic payment or ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) is an advanced solution that is based on the communication by short microwave range.

Our commitment for the future is based on ensuring that our customers have the solutions they need to intelligently manage traffic flow and their ever-changing operating environment. We’re helping them get where they need to go.

Demands for faster and greater vehicle throughput technologies are providing the basis for another tolling evolution including new concepts where toll booths give way to all-electronic, non-stop, open road tolling.

By opening high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes to single occupant vehicles (SOV), high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes are created that increase capacity and reduce travel times. HOT lanes (also called Express Lanes) provide transportation agencies a means to relieve congestion and create a new source of revenue to fund corridor transportation improvements. Simply put, HOT lanes provide a means to expand travel capacity without building more freeways or expanding existing ones.

Other forms of open road tolling:

  • Multi-lane Free-Flow Tolling–Open Road Tolling
  • Video Tolling
  • Dynamic Toll Pricing including Congestion Pricing
  • Mileage-Based User Fees
  • Integration of Open Road Tolling within existing toll facilities

Electronic Toll Collection

Benefits Summary

  • Increases total system capacity
  • Generates more revenue for your ETC system
  • Eliminates need for new road construction
  • Customizable gantry designs for any roadway
  • Offers higher revenue collection with proven tag interoperability
  • Allows for fast installation and maintenance

How HTET Can Help?

It’s a fact: traffic jams reduce quality of life for everyone. That’s why we have an array of electronic toll collection systems and other mobility solutions to increase your traffic flow. We can help you determine the best combination for your agency.

  • Electronic Toll Collection Back Office: Our back office solution for tolling makes it easy for account owners to contact customer support and resolve questions. Our services and operations are so tightly integrated that we’re able to take advantage of the data collected in operations and constantly improve customer service.
  • Electronic Toll Collection Roadside: It’s in your best interest—as well as ours—to increase operational efficiencies wherever possible. We install overhead and roadside hardware and related software needed to deliver a functioning tolling system.
  • Vehicle Passenger Detection: Make sure your managed lanes are being used properly, so that they are increasing throughput of people on the roadway. Our HOV/HOT lane enforcement solution uses video analytics to identify the number of occupants in a vehicle, at speeds ranging from stop-and-go to 100mph.
  • Automated License Plate Recognition: Automated license plate recognition is an essential aspect to any all electronic tolling (AET) or toll collection program. While most vehicles traveling on toll roads will likely have a transponder, others will not. If there isn’t a way to identify the vehicles accessing the toll roads tolling agencies lose revenue that could be reinvested into transportation projects.
  • Commercial Trucking Fleet Management: Intelligent transportation solutions create operational efficiencies for the commercial trucking industry. By reducing queues and idling at weigh stations and inspection facilities, carriers save time, money and fuel in addition to reducing harmful emissions.

Electronic Toll Collection

Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) has evolved to support the digital age with technologies that safeguard toll revenues. Beyond replacing cash collections to improve revenue accountability, ETC provides an enhanced customer experience by improving mobility, increasing safety and adding convenience.

Express Lanes provide a customized, cost-effective alternative to expand capacity and ease congestion. Existing High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes can be converted into dynamically-priced express lanes, which provide single occupant vehicles access to lanes previously open only to car-pool motorists, motorcycles and buses. Toll fees are set according to current traffic congestion, and these fees can be displayed on road message signs.

Even where no HOV lanes currently exist, High Occupancy Tolling or express lane expansions cut travel time for drivers in all lanes, and improve mobility across regions.